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Moving metal. Getting down in the trenches with an American icon. Flint has been working with Bobcat for more than 70 years, pretty much...

Urban Plains
Finding beauty in the balance. Urban Plains had a goal to become a destination neighborhood in the booming Fargo/Moorhead area on the...

Albert Lea Seed House
Seeding organic growth. The team at Albert Lea Seed has a goal to be world-class storytellers. That's why I'm here. Since May 2023 when I...

Writer's Choice
Directors cut, plus the DVD commentary. A few of my personal favorites with a couple little stories, too. Fish Hands You've gotta give...

Flint Mix Tape
Fun with friends. Shameless agency promotion work for Flint and some other odds and ends. Worked on these Chili Cook-off posters and...

A mixed bag. You know like that box of stuff in the garage. Lewis Charles Cycles Site Really dig this little motorcycle shop in Albert...
Get inspired. Be inspiring. Repeat. Breathing fire into a commercial design startup. Made a stunning website (Show Pin winning) and app,...

Lacek Mix Tape
Made these Show Pin award winning posters with my friends Jim Adler, Jay Walsh and Jenn Russo. Few others

Pioneer Seed
Selling corn is more hands in the dirt than heads in the clouds. TV Content Radio I worked on these with fellow copywriter Jay Walsh....

Headlines Only
Writ, wrat, wrote. I'm not too big for my britches or anything but I do consider myself a headline writer's headline writer. Here's some...

Naked Copy
Straight words. If you're into seeing ideas in their rawest form. "Deadlines" Some headlines I like that never made the layout: Gonna...

Ad School
Met a few more kids and some cool teachers all trying to make it. Thanks Brainco Minneapolis School of Advertising.
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